Responsible Parliaments – Embracing Evaluation for Agenda 2030
Over the last ten years across the globe, interest has grown steadily amongst parliamentarians in the role of evaluation as a source of evidence for decision-making on national development and in appraising progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Evaluation provides parliamentarians with robust evidence on the performance of development programmes and allows them to both highlight success and to hold governments to account for underperformance.

“Our vision is that evaluation becomes so embedded in good governance that no policy maker or manager will dare hold an important meeting, or reach an important decision without having reviewed relevant evaluation information.”
–Hon. Kabir Hashim, Minister of Public Enterprise Development, Sri Lanka and Chair of the GPFE.
The Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation together with EvalPartners, the Sri Lanka Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation, Prime Minister’s Office of Sri Lanka, Parliament of Sri Lanka, and the Sri Lanka Evaluation Association, will host EvalColombo2018, a three-day forum from 17th to 19th of September 2018 in Colombo, Sri Lanka, to promote demand and use of evaluation by parliamentarians through dialogue and exchange, generate innovative approaches to tackling them at a global level. Alongside parliamentarians across the globe committed to evaluation, evaluation experts, other international delegates and renowned speakers, will ensure a rich discussion on developing stronger monitoring and evaluation frameworks evidenced-based decision making and accountability in the government.
We warmly invite…
- Parliamentarians from across the globe who are committed to the use of evaluation for development
- Parliamentarians willing to support the use of evaluation as part of building responsible parliaments in their countries
- Development partners, VOPES and other committed stakeholders
For more information please view the:
If you are interested in this event and feel that you can contribute, please contact:
Asela Kalugampitiya – EvalPartners Executive Coordinator and the Secretariat for GPFE
For more information about GPFE and its activities, please refer to brochures: