National Evaluation

Partners Nepal Sri Lanka Morocco Ivory Coast Uganda Philippines Kyrgyz Republic Nepal Evaluation is included in the national constitution of the country 2015. Nepal has also the draft National Monitoring and Evaluation Act. Following are the articles in the constitution related to monitoring and ...

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Developing and strengthening evaluation policies in countries is important for good governance and effective development. The adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in September 2015 and their focus on country-led evaluation in line with identified priorities for SDG targets that ar...


The parliamentarians’ movement for evaluation has rapidly grown in past few years. Particularly between 2014-2015, regional parliamentarians’ fora were created in Africa, East Asia, Latin America and MENA regions. The first ever parliamentarians forum; The Parliamentarians Forum for Devel...


MP name Region Country Photo Ananda Pokharel South Asia Nepal Sherdhan Rai South Asia Nepal Jigmi Rinzin South Asia Bhutan Nima Gyeltshen South Asia Bhutan Abul Khair Mohammed Bahauddin South Asia Bangladesh Aziza Jaliz South Asia Afghanistan Rangina Kargar South Asia Afghanistan Ayesha Javed Sou...